January 20, 2010

15 day old baby found alive and uninjured 7 days after the earthquake in Haiti

Another of the incredible stories of survival that are still happening! Miracles!

I just saw this incredible story, A Week After Earthquake, 15-Day-Old Baby Found Alive, which had just been posted on the Wall Street Journal online. I cannot imagine the flood of emotions Michelene Joassaint, baby Elisabeth's mother, her grandfather Michelet Joassaint, her family, friends and community are feeling right now! There happiness is beyond words I bet! They said she's been nicknamed, The Miracle Baby! Sending all the prayers I can to everyone!

I haven't been able to find out where the search and rescue team is from yet (if anyone who reads this knows could you let me know so I can update it because they should to be recognized because they are the heros I want my children to look up to) but I know they were overjoyed as well.

I literally had just finished learning about the 5-year-old boy pulled out alive after almost 8 days, which I had first heard live on CNN News. This beautiful little boy named Monley, with big brown eyes was pulled out of his collaped home today around 1:30pm (I think), awake, saying he was thirsty and even said he was hungry. He was suffering from severe dehydration, but he had no broken bones and was doing remarkably well from what the nurses said.

Now, as I am writing this CNN News is reporting of another search and rescue for at least one more survivor is happening as we speak. To say these stories are amazing is an understatement! My heart and prayers go out to all the miracles in Haiti and to everyone who is there or connected to Haiti in any way. I know the miracles aren't over yet, they are only beginning. Every person in Haiti tonight are heroes......heroes to the world.

Peace, Light and Take Care

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