September 17, 2010

What?? A Rally AND a March scheduled on 10.30.2010 in Washington DC? (video)?

Life in my little corner of the world is just insane right now, as I'm sure it is for everyone. Between kids, school, money, work, heck even allergies, flues and viruses are kicking everybody's butt right now. Almost everyone in the country as well as the world are dealing with these issues. Yet the commentary on TV and the internet represents only the small percentage of the same extreme views and opinions. One controversy after another, each one more negative and extreme then the last. All this is doing is continuing to polarize the country.

One of the bright spots (for me at least) has been The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, they help keep 'the crazy' in perspective. I've even set my DVR to record them so I can watch them as soon as I get up in the morning just in case I fall asleep. A few weeks ago both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced that they were going to have a 'big announcement' sometime soon. Since then they have been going back and forth 'fighting' over who will have 'the biggest announcement' and giving clues.

Tonight, The Daily Show FINALLY announced what the big announcement is.....and here it is.......They are going to have a rally at the Lincoln Memorial  in Washington DC for RESTORING SANITY on 10/30/2010! Stewart said it's a "1 Million Moderate March 'A Call For Rationality'" and the message to the people is: “Take It Down a Notch, For America.”

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Now of course not to be out done, The Colbert Report announced their big announcement tonight as well.......and here it is......They will be having a March to Keep Fear Alive on 10/30/2010! Colbert said, "America, the Greatest Country God ever gave Man, was built on three bedrock principles: Freedom. Liberty. And Fear -- that someone might take our Freedom and Liberty." 

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
March to Keep Fear Alive
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

They haven't released the details yet, but I think it's safe to say that this will not be an extreme, negative or polarizing event. Jon Stewart said would be “two or three hours one Saturday for some nice people to get together for some fun.” There are already thousands RSVPs on their facebook pages and it's been less then 12 hours since they made the announcement. I hope everyone will think about going, I'm lucky because I only live a few hours from DC so I'm definitely planning on being there. If anyone is thinking about going let me know, may be we can meet up and all go together!

One reason I wanted to share this with everyone because I think we all really could use a break from the crazy. Whether you go or not, I hope everyone takes some time to get away (at least mentally) from the issues and spend time with family, friends and neighbors. Another point I think is important is it's about time someone who doesn't represent the same 20%, stepped up to create a forum where the other 80% can discuss our views and opinions reasonably and we meed to demand much more of this. 

Peace, Light and Take Care!

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